Fasciola hepatica - Liver Fluke Life Cycle - Fascioliasis Ruminants are the typical definitive hosts. 1) Unembroynated eggs are passed in feces. 2) Eggs become embryonated in water. 3) Miracidia hatch from eggs, seek out snail intermediate host. 4) Miracidia penetrate snail intermediate host. Development in snail tissue 4a) Sporocysts 4b) Rediae 4c) Cercariae 5) Free-swimming cercariae encyst on aquatic vegetation. 6) Metacercariae on vegetation ingested by definitive host. 7) Immature flukes excyst in duodenum, penetrate intestinal wall, and migrate though liver parenchyma to biliary ducts. 8) Adult flukes in hepatic biliary ducts #Fasciola #hepatica #LiverFluke #LifeCycle #diagnosis #pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases #cdc #Fascioliasis #parasite