Trypanosomiasis - Trypanosoma cruzi Life Cycle
1) Triatomine bug takes a blood meal (passes metacyclic trypomastigotes in feces, trypomastigotes enter bite wound or mucosal membranes, such as the c.onjunctiva)
Human Stages:
2) Metacyclic trypomastigotes penetrate various cells at bite wound site. Inside cells they transform into amastigotes.
3) Amastigotes multiply by binary fission in cells
4) Intracellular amastigotes transform into trypomastigotes, then burst out of the cell and enter the bloodstream - Trypomastigotes can infect other cells of infected tissues and transform into intracellular amastigotes in new infection sites. Clinical manifestations can result from this infective cycle → Stage 3)
Triatomine Bug Stages:
5) Triatomine bug takes a blood meal (trypomastigotes ingested)
6) Epimastigotes in midgut 
7) Multiply in midgut
8) Metacyclic trypomastigotes in hindgut

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Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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