Fusarium Eye Infections - Keratitis and Endophthalmitis Fungal Keratitis is an infection of the cornea that is most commonly caused by trauma to eye from stick/thorn/plant • Up to 1/3 of fungal keratitis infections will result in corneal deformation and invasion into deeper eye structures • S/sx include eye pain & redness, eye discharge, blurry vision, photophobia, excessive tearing • In 2006, CDC investigated Fusarium keratitis outbreak a/w contact lens solution (PMID: 16617289) Fungal Endophthalmitis is infection of the vitreous and/or aqueous humors • Devastating infection and may lead to irreversible blindness w/in hours-days of symptom onset • Can either be exogenous *most common* (microbes from external source are introduced into eye) • Or endogenous (hematogenous seeding during fungemia) • Symptoms can include floaters and subtle decrease in vision progressing to vision loss - important to remember that eye pain can be minimal or absent! #Fusarium #Eye #Infections #Keratitis #Endophthalmitis #ocular #ophthalmology #diagnosis