Retained Bullet on POCUS Although it kinda looks like an eyeball, the clinical scenario here was a soft tissue mass on the lateral chest, concerning for an abscess. First point - use your exam, not just POCUS in isolation! No warmth or tenderness. So is it an abscess? Should we cut it?! After obtaining some more history, turns out the patient had this mass for many fact, it appeared right after he was SHOT IN THE CHEST! This is a bullet! Second point - use your history, not just POCUS in isolation. And don't go around cutting things you shouldn't. So I guess all I am saying is that POCUS is meant to be used in conjunction with your history, exam, and any other diagnostic test you want to get, never in isolation! Hopefully this is obvious, but don't get so caught up in the scan that you forget! #Bullet #POCUS #clinical #ultrasound #foreignbody