Hypothermic Cardiac Arrest Management "Not dead until 32° and dead" 1) Start ACLS + Rewarming 2) Should this code be run? Consider reasons to terminate resuscitation. 3) Call ECMO Centre ASAP: ECMO is gold standard, rewarms at 10+°/hour. 4) Measure core temp: place lower esophageal probe 5) No ECMO? Prepare for prolonged resuscitation with invasive rewarming strategies. How to Rewarm: 1) Remove wet clothes 2) Warm blanket 3) Bair Hugger 4) Warmed O2 (1°/hr) 5) Warmed IV Fluids 6) Bladder Irrigation (1°/hr) 7) Thoracic Lavage (3-6°/hr) 8) Hemodialysis (3°/hr) Dr. Sarah Foohey @SarahFoohey #Hypothermic #Cardiac #Arrest #Management #hypothermia #resuscitation #rewarming #management #treatment #checklist