Classification for benign biliary strictures Bismuth classification I - Low CHD stricture, > 2 cm distal to hilum II - Proximal CHD stricture, < 2 cm distal do hilum III - Hilar involvement up to proximal extent of CHD, but confluence preserved IV - Confluence involved, no communication left and right ducts V - Type I , II or III plus stricture of an isolated (aberrant) right duct Strasberg Classification A - Small duct injury in continuity with biliary system, with cystic duct leak B - Injury to sectoral duct with consequent obstruction C - Injury to duct with consequent bile leak from a duct not in continuity with biliary system D - Injury lateral to extrahepatic ducts E1 - Stricture located > 2 cm from bile duct confluence E2 - Stricture located < 2 cm from bile duct confluence E3 - Stricture located at bile duct confluence E4 - Stricture involving right and left bile ducts E5 - Complete occlusion of all bile ducts #Bismuth #Strasberg #Classification #biliary #strictures #diagnosis #hepatology #gastroenterology