Rheumatoid Arthritis - 2020 ACR-EULAR Classification ≥ 6 of 10 points = definite RA Joint Involvement: 1 large joint - 0 points 2-10 large joints - 1 points 1-3 small joints, +/- large joints - 3 points >10 joints (at least 1 small joint) - 5 points Serology (need at least 1): Negative RF, negative anti CCP Ab - 0 points Low positive RF or low positive anti CCP Ab - 2 points High positive RF or high positive anti CCP Ab - 3 points Acute Phase reactants (need at least 1): Normal CRP and normal ESR - 0 points Abnormal CRP or abnormal ESR - 1 points Duration of symptoms: < 6 weeks - 0 points ≥ 6 weeks - 1 points - BWH Medicine Residency @BrighamMedRes #Rheumatoid #Arthritis #diagnosis #EULAR #Classification #rheumatology