Solid Organ Transplant - Diarrhea - Diagnostic and Workup Algorithm 1st Tier Microbiologic Testing: CDiff (stool), CMV qPCR/NAT (serum/blood), Bacterial Culture or PCR (stool) for bacterial pathogens 2nd Tier Microbiologic Testing: Norovirus or viral PCR (stool), Ova and Parasites (stool), Giardia and Cryptosporidium EIA (stool), Breath test of bacterial overgrowth If above negative: 1) Adjust IS medications 2) Colonoscopy +/- EGD 3) Empiric Therapy with probiotic or anti-motility agents 4) Evaluate for malabsorption #Diarrhea #Transplant #SolidOrgan #Diagnosis #Workup #Algorithm