Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Diagnostic Criteria (The "Budapest Criteria"): • Persistent pain out of proportion to any inciting event • Symptoms in at least 3, and physical signs in at least 2 of the following 4 categories: - Sensory: Hyperesthesia and/or allodynia - Vasomotor: Temperature and/or skin color changes - Edema/sudomotor: Edema and/or sweating changes - Motor/trophic: Motor dysfunction and/or changes to hair, nails or skin • Findings are not explained better by an alternative diagnosis Clinical Features: • Pain: "Burning" or "Stinging", Deep > Superficial, Continuous > Paroxysmal, Hyperalgesia (↑ sensitivity to painful stimuli), Allodynia (feeling pain in respon to stimuli not usually painful) • Other Symptoms: Weakness, Tremor and myoclonic jerking, Edema, Skin color changes (livedo, cyanosis or hyperemia), ↑/↓ Temperature & sweating, Skin atrophy, Contractures - Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine #CRPS #Complex #Regional #Pain #Syndrome #diagnosis