Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - Management Principles Prerenal - Correct hemodynamic derangements: • If low preload → IV Fluids • If high preload → Diuretics • If low contractility → Afterload reduction (not ACEIs) +/- inotropes • Hepatorenal syndrome → Treat underlying liver disease, ? Octreotide + midodrine + albumin Intrarenal: • Treat the underlying disease • ATN → No specific treatment • AIN → Consider steroids if not improving with discontinuation of causative medication Postrenal - Relieve obstruction: • Ureteral obstruction → nephrostomy tube(s) and/or ureteral stent(s) • Neurogenic bladder → Intermittent straight cath or long-term Foley • UTI → Antibiotics +/- temp Foley catheter • Medications → Stop meds • BPH → α blockers + temporary Foley Catheter - Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine #AKI #Acute #Kidney #Injury #treatment #management