Morphology of Fungal Infections in Tissues Fungal infections with hyphae or pseudohyphae in tissues: • Yeasts with pseudohyphae • Non-pigmented (hyaline), septated hyphae • Non-pigmented (hyaline), pauciseptate hyphae • Pigmented yeasts and hyphae with septations Endemic fungal infections with yeasts in tissues: • Broad-based budding yeasts • Narrow-based budding yeasts with mucicarmine+ capsule • Small yeasts with narrow based budding • Spherules with multiple endospores Adapted from Guarner & Brandt, 2011 by Dr. Sara Dong @swinndong via Febrile @febrilepodcast #Morphology #Fungal #Infections #Tissues #pathology #fungi #mold #yeast #hyphae #microbiology #differential #diagnosis #atlas #infectiousdiseases