Esophageal Rupture with Gastric Contents seen on Lung Ultrasound
Middle aged patient with oesophageal Ca presents generally a little unwell. As an inpatient becomes suddenly SOB and tachypnoeic. Patient had CXR day before which just showed some right basal opacification.  Note a large pleural effusion with highly echogenic mobile material within it. Hyperechoic bright spots with dirty shadowing beneath it concerning for air. Likely hydropneumothorax. This clip alone raised concern for Boerhaave's and gastric contents in chest. 
This case again highlights the utility of POCUS at the bedside. Diagnosis made at the bedside within 5 minutes and CT expedited which confirmed bedside findings – oesophageal rupture, hydropneumothorax and gastric contents within chest.

Dr. Manoj Wickramasinghe @Manoj_Wickram

#Esophageal #Rupture #Gastric #effusion #Lung #Ultrasound #POCUS #clinical
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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