Intermetatarsal Bursitis - MSK Radiology Imaging Findings: • T2-hyperintense fluid-like signal and T1-hypointense signal between the first and second metatarsal heads. • The fluid-like signal is dorsal to the INTERMETATARSAL LIGAMENT along the plantar surface. This signal does not extend into the plantar surface. Case description: • This patient had chronic plantar pain which is exacerbated during training for marathon and localized to the first and second metatarsal heads. • Clinical concern was for stress fracture. • Has peripheral enhancement not shown (neuromas centrally enhance). If <3mm could be physiologic. • The MRI shows fluid-like signal within the first intermetatarsal space which DOES NOT extend plantar to the intermetatarsal ligament (orange arrows). Differential diagnosis: • Morton neuroma - Isointense to slightly hyperintense relative to muscle on T1-weighted MR images. - Iso- or hypointense to fat on T2-weighted images with poor conspicuity. - Contrast useful! Will intensely enhance increasing conspicuity of the lesion. • Metatarsal stress fracture - Band of low-signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences with surrounding marrow edema-like signal. • Plantar plate injury - Most commonly 2nd MTP joint. Increased signal in/around the plantar plate on T2-sequence or a focal defect. Dr. Donald von Borstel @DrvonBorstel #Intermetatarsal #Bursitis #foot #metatarsal #clinical #mri #clinical #Radiology #diagnosis #msk