DRESS Syndrome vs SJS/TEN DRESS • Latency: 2-8 weeks • Rash: Morbilliform • Mucosal involvement: 50% have mild mucosal involvement, rarely with erosions • CBC: Eosinophilia and atypical leukocytosis • Hepatitis: 50% or more • Kidney: Tubulointerstitial nephritis • Skin biopsy: Dermal edema with infiltration by lymphocytes and eos SJS/TEN: • Latency: 4-28 days • Rash: Painful erythematous macules with purpuric centers → vesicles/bullae → sloughing • Mucosal involvement: >90% have severe mucosal involvement with bleeding at 2 or more sites • CBC: Lymphopenia • Hepatitis: < 10% • Kidney: Prerenal azotemia • Skin biopsy: Full-thickness epidermal necrosis SCVMC Internal Medicine @SCVMCMed #DRESS #Syndrome #SJS #TEN #comparison #table #dermatology