Ebstein Anomaly on Echocardiogram Ebstein anomaly. The tricuspid valve is ALWAYS more apically displaced than the mitral valve. And the TV is ALWAYS associated with the RV. So we can identify the RV as the ventricular with the more apically displaced valved, 100% of the time. In Ebstein anomaly, there is severe apical displacement of the septal and posterior TV leaflets, and variable tethering of the anterior leaflet. It's the commonest congenital cause of tricuspid regurgitation and is often associated with an atrial septal defect. Note where the septal leaflet inserts on the septum (way up towards the apex). Also note where flow acceleration starts (by colour Doppler), identifying the origin of TR (and therefore the valve). Omid Kiamanesh, MD @OKiamanesh #Ebstein #Anomaly #POCUS #clinical #Echocardiogram #cardiology #a4c