Pyogenic liver abscess in children Common bacterial causes in children: • S.aureus • Strep spp • Enteric gram negative organisms (E.coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Salmonella) or Pseudomonas Sources of infection: • Direct extension from contiguous focus of infection (cholecystitis, subphrenic abscess, perinephric abscess) • Biliary tree (cholangitis) • Hematogenous spread through: - Hepatic artery (e.g., endocarditis) - Portal vein (from sources within abdominal cavity) • Traumatic injury, particularly in patients managed operatively and in those with concurrent injury to hollow viscus By Dr. Sara Dong @swinndong via Febrile [] #pyogenic #liver #abscess #pediatrics #children #peds #differential #diagnosis #hepatology