Mechanical Chest Compressions delivered via Lucas Device 
Original study "ASPIRE" 2006, (Assisted Prehospital International Resuscitation Trial) looked at manual chest compressions vs. use of an automated chest compression device. *AutoPulse* used
RESULT: The trial was stopped early due to WORSE outcomes with device. Analysis determined main cause from delays/interruption in CPR with placement of the device. This was before knowledge of effective CPR practice as standard of care.
BOTTOM LINE: To date, NO study has proven any increased SURVIVAL between automated devices when compared to manual/hands chest compressions.

the_resuscitationist @the_resuscitationist

#Lucas #Device #Mechanical #Chest #Compressions #clinical #video #NSFW
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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