"Scrotal Pain + Uganda:Almost never see it in the developed world unless you are like this patient who recently travelled to Uganda.
He had scrotal pain for weeks, misdiagnosed as sexually transmitted infectious despite negative testing.
Answer: filariasis.
See the multiple cystic looking structures next to the testicle?  Those are not blood vessels.  Time to call up the CDC for some experimental treatment."

Dr. Michael Schick @UltrasoundStuff - UC Davis Emergency Medicine

#Clinical #POCUS #Urology #InfectiousDiseases #Scrotom #Scrotal #Filariasis #SonoStuff
Sonostuff @sonostuff · 7 years ago
Dr. Michael Schick | https://sonostuff.com/ | Education and entertainment for the ultrasound enthusiast | https://twitter.com/UltrasoundStuff | https://www.instagram.com/sonostuff
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