Colorectal Lesions - JNET Classification
Type 1:
 - Vessel pattern: Invisible
 - Surface pattern: Regular dark or white spots, Similar to surrounding normal mucosa
 - Most likely histology: Hyperplastic polyp / Sessile serrated polyp
Type 2A:
 - Vessel pattern: Regular caliber, Regular distribution (meshed/spiral pattern)
 - Surface pattern: Regular (tubular/branched/papillary)
 - Most likely histology: Low grade intramucosal neoplasia
Type 2B:
 - Vessel pattern: Variable caliber, Irregular distribution
 - Surface pattern: Irregular or obscure
 - Most likely histology: High grade intramucosal neoplasia / Shallow submucosal invasive cancer
Type 3:
 - Vessel pattern: Loose vessel areas, Interruption of thick vessels
 - Surface pattern: Amorphous areas
 - Most likely histology: Deep submucosal invasive cancer

#Colorectal #Lesions #JNET #Classification #gastroenterology #diagnosis #colonoscopy
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 3 years ago
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: | Twitter:
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