Colorectal Lesions - JNET Classification Type 1: - Vessel pattern: Invisible - Surface pattern: Regular dark or white spots, Similar to surrounding normal mucosa - Most likely histology: Hyperplastic polyp / Sessile serrated polyp Type 2A: - Vessel pattern: Regular caliber, Regular distribution (meshed/spiral pattern) - Surface pattern: Regular (tubular/branched/papillary) - Most likely histology: Low grade intramucosal neoplasia Type 2B: - Vessel pattern: Variable caliber, Irregular distribution - Surface pattern: Irregular or obscure - Most likely histology: High grade intramucosal neoplasia / Shallow submucosal invasive cancer Type 3: - Vessel pattern: Loose vessel areas, Interruption of thick vessels - Surface pattern: Amorphous areas - Most likely histology: Deep submucosal invasive cancer #Colorectal #Lesions #JNET #Classification #gastroenterology #diagnosis #colonoscopy