Artificial Liver Support Systems Bridge between transplantation to allow a patient's liver to recover When used: Acute liver failure, Acute-on-chronic liver failure Five Artificial Liver Support Systems: 1) Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS) - Albumin-bound toxins in plasma pass on to the membrane-impregnated albumin and are picked up by the dialysate 2) Single-Pass Albumin Dialysis (SPAD) - Blood flows through a circuit containing a high-flux hollow polysulfide hemodiafilter 3) Prometheus - Similar to MARS but uses a membrane with a 250-kDa cut-off making it permeable to albumin 4) Selective Plasma Filtration Therapy (SEPET) - Single-use cartridge that contains porous tube which can achieve near-total exchange of albumin during therapy 5) Hemodiafiltration - Works in addition to plasma exchange by removing substances causing hepatic encephalopathy and waste substances to be metabolized in the liver #Artificial #Liver #Support #Systems #hepatology #management