Noninvasive Ventilation Summary Positive pressure ventilation that is delivered through a nasal, mask, or helmet interface and without theinsertion of an invasive airway (such as an endotracheal tube or a tracheostomy) Physiology: • Preserves airway clearance and spontaneous breathing • Decreases need for sedation • Increases functional residual capacity and opens up atelectasis • Decreases LV afterload by decreasing transmural pressures • Decreases work of breathing by improving pulmonary compliance and counteracting intrinsic PEEP in patients with air trapping • Bilevel support augments inspiratory tidal volumes (Vt) and improves ventilation CPAP - Continuous positive airway pressure • Delivers continuous pressure throughout respiratory cycle • Supports oxygenation BIPAP - Bilevel positive airway pressure • Delivers preset inspiratory and expiratory pressures • Supports oxygenation and ventilation • Should monitor Vt and for barotrauma (eg, pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum) HHFNC - Heated high-flow nasal cannula • Delivers heated humidification, increasing tolerance to flows above those provided by traditional nasal cannula. • Supports oxygenation and ventilation by washing out CO2 from upper airway • Delivered PEEP is variable and depends on set flow and patients' ability to close mouth #Noninvasive #Ventilation #management #pulmonary