Extraocular Muscle Actions & Clinical Testing What about clinical testing of extraocular muscle function & associated nerve integrity? Adduction (~51°), produced by the medial rectus, aligns the optical axis with the line of pull for the superior & inferior obliques muscles. In this position... - only the inferior oblique produces elevation - only the superior oblique produces depression Abduction (~23°), produced by the lateral rectus, aligns the optica axis with the line of pull for the superior & inferior rectus muscles. In this position... - only the superior rectus produces elevation - only the inferior rectus produces depression Nerve Palsies: • CN Ill: ptosis, mydriasis, eye position "down & out" • CN IV: vertical or torsional diplopia • CN VI: inability to abduct eye by Mikaela Stiver @MikaelaStiver #Extraocular #Muscle #Actions #diagnosis #testing #ophthalmology