Jugular Vein vs Carotid Artery - Distinguishing Neck Pulsations on Physical Exam Jugular Vein: - No pulsations palpable. - Pulsations obliterated by pressure above the clavicle. - Level of pulse wave decreased on inspiration; increased on expiration. - Usually two pulsations per systole (x and y descents). - Prominent descents. - Pulsations sometimes more prominent with abdominal pressure. Carotid Artery: - Palpable pulsations. - Pulsations not obliterated by pressure above the clavicle. - No effects of respiration on pulse. - One pulsation per systole. - Descents not prominent. - No effect of abdominal pressure on pulsations. #Jugular #Carotid #Pulsations #physicalexam #diagnosis #comparison #neck