Alcoholic Hepatitis - Management Algorithm
Assess Eligibility for Treatment:
- Maddrey Discriminant Function ≥ (or possibly MELD >20)
- Obtain abdominal to exclude other causes of jaundice
- Screen for infection with chest x-ray, blood, urine and ascites cultures
Assess for Contraindications to Treatment:
- Acute kidney injury with serum creatinine >2.5 mg/dL
- Uncontrolled upper gastrointestinal bQiing
- Concomitant diseases including HBV. HCV, DILI, HCC, acute pancreatitis. HIV, TB
- Multiorgan failure or shock
Eligible for Treatment:
- Start prednisolone 40 mg daily or equivalent with or without IV N-acetylcysteine
- Enteral nutrition goal of >21 kcal/kg
Use Lille model after 7 days of treatment:
- If Lille < 0.45 continue prednisolone for 28 days
- If Lille ≥ 0.45. stop prednisolone
#Alcoholic #Hepatitis #Management #Algorithm #hepatology