Digoxin Pharmacology and Pathophysiology
1) Na/K ATPase Pump - Digoxin works by directly binding to and inhibiting the action of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump. By blocking this pump, those sodium ions are NO longer pumped outside the cell and sodium increase.
2) The Na/Ca Exchanger - When digoxin blocks the Na+/K+ ATPase pump and intracellular sodium concentrations increase, the Na+2/Ca+2 exchanger compensates by becoming inhibited so it won't increase the intracellular sodium concentrations further. As a result, calcium ions are no longer exchanged for sodium and intracellular calcium concentration increases.
This increase of intracellular calcium causes:
 - Increased contractility (force of contraction) of the heart
 - Decreased heart rate (lengthens phase 4 and phase O of the cardiac action potential)
Watch the Potassium!
 - Hyperkalemia (high potassium levels) is a side effect of digoxin toxicity. Since digoxin blocks the action of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump and prevents potassium from entering the cell, serum potassium levels can be elevated with toxic digoxin levels.
 - Because digoxin binds to the same site as potassium on the ATPase pump, in states of hypokalemia (or low potassium levels), digoxin can more easily bind to the Na+/K+ ATPase pump (since there's less competition!) - because of this, it's important to make sure potassium levels stay within normal limits so digoxin toxicity isn't worsened.

by Cait E. Kulig, PharmD @CaitEKulig

#Digoxin #Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #cardiology
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 3 years ago
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