Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) • Transmission - not completely understood, ?nasal droplets • Symptoms appear ~5 years after exposure but can take 20 years to appear • Many people do not contract disease after exposure • Endemic: China, India, Nepal, Egypt • Risk factors: Close contact, Armadillo exposure, Age, Genetic influences, Immunosuppression (e.g., chemotherapy, SOT, HIV) Histopathologic Manifestations - Dependent on cellular response to M. leprae complex: • Tuberculoid leprosy (TT) and borderline tuberculoid (BT) - Infiltration of dermis & SC fat with well-defined epithelioid non-caseating granulomas and few or absent AFB • Lepromatous leprosy (LL) and borderline leprosy (BL) - Macrophages with a vacuolar cytoplasm, plasma cells, lymphocytes, and numerous AFB Treatment Regimen: • Tuberculoid disease: Dapsone 100mg daily + rifampin 600mg daily x 12 m • Lepromatous disease: Dapsone 100mg daily + rifampin 600mg daily + clofazimine 50mg daily x 24 m BIDMC Infectious Diseases Fellowship @BIDMC_IDFellows #Hansens #Disease #Leprosy #diagnosis #management #treatment