Hepatopulmonary Syndrome
HPS - Diagnosis:
 1. Patients with liver disease
 2. Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (AaP02) >15 mmHg or mmHg in patients >64 years
 3. Intrapulmonary vasodilatation
HPS Classification - Stages:
 • Mild HPS ≥80 mmHg
 • Moderate HPS: ≥ 60 PaO2 < 80 mmHg
 • Severe HPS: ≥ 50 PaO2 < 60 mmHg
 • Very severe HPS: PaO2 < 50 mmHg

#HPS #Hepatopulmonary #Syndrome #diagnosis #management #classification
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 3 years ago
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: https://www.instagram.com/grepmed/ | Twitter: https://twitter.com/grepmeded/
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