Microscopic examination of vaginal samples. A, Normal saline wet mount showing a clump of three normal vaginal epithelial cells (original magnification ×600). B, Normal saline wet mount showing two clue cells (original magnification ×400). Inset, Gram stain demonstrating how coccobaccilli on the surfaces of vaginal epithelial cells create the characteristic granular appearance and indistinct borders of clue cells (original magnification ×1000). C, Normal saline wet mount showing numerous Candida hyphae (arrows) and buds (original magnification ×400). D, Normal saline wet mount showing four trichomonads. Trichomonads can often be identified easily because of their characteristic jerky motility (original magnification ×600). #Clinical #Diagnosis #Obgyn #WetMount #Clue #ClueCells #BacterialVaginosis #BV #Vaginosis #Trichomonas #Candida #Candidiasis #Comparison #Table