Strongyloides stercoralis on Microscopy (Duodenal Fluid)

38 year old male truck driver in Buenos Aires.  Kidney Tx 5 months ago.  ATG induction. Tac, MMF, prednisone maintenance.
+Weight loss + dyspnea, No fever.
Exam: epigastric abd pain on palpation
+peripheral eosinophilia.
Duodenal fluid was taken for diagnosis (microscopy shown)

Diagnosis: Strongyloides stercoralis

Ivermectin and albendazole were started. 
Patient regained weight progressively and eosinophilia resolved.
Strongyloides stercoralis is a threadworm parasite that has a complex life cycle with both free-living and parasitic phases.
Strongyloides is present in temperate, tropical, and subtropical environments and is believed to infect as many as 30 to 100 million individuals globally.
The actual incidence of Strongyloides infection after solid organ transplantation is not defined.
The main parasite that must be ruled out in the presence of eosinophilia is Strongyloides. Due to its particular biological cycle, it can persist for decades in the organism and later develop a hyperinfection syndrome when an immunosuppression situation occurs.

#Strongyloides #stercoralis #clinical #Microscopy #microbiology #parasite
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