Classification of Gastritis Non-atrophic: Helicobacter pylori Atrophic • Autoimmune: Autoimmunity • Multifocal atrophic: H. pylori, environmental insults Special forms • Chemical: NSAIDs, bile?, other agents • Radiation Injury • Lymphocytic: Gluten (coeliac disease), H. pylori, idiopathic, drugs • Non-infectious granulomatous: Crohn's disease, sarcoidosis, Wegener's granulomatosis and other vasculitides, foreign substances, idiopathic • Eosinophilic: Food sensitivity?, other allergies • Other infections: Bacteria other than H. pylori (other gastric helicobacters, mycobacteria and syphilis), viruses (cytomegalovirus), fungi (Candida spp., Histoplasma capsulatum, Mucoraceae) #Gastritis #Classification #diagnosis #gastroenterology #types