Anterior Non-necrotizing Scleritis - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination This 57 yo WM reported to clinic complaining of sectoral redness in the left eye for the past 3 weeks. To our surprise he reported no pain and had no other symptoms. Uncorrected vision OS was 20/40. On exam the conjunctiva showed temporal injection with a yellowish hue. Deeper to this superficial injection was a patch of a darker red/purple sclera that did not blanch when phenylephrine was applied using a cotton tip. This patient had no history of systemic autoimmune conditions, so an inflammatory panel was ordered due to the high suspicion of scleritis, which came back positive for ANCA. Due to the possibility of Wegener’s granulomatosis the patient was sent to rheumatology for further systemic workup and treatment. Bennett & Bloom Eye Center @anterior_seg_rocks #Anterior #Scleritis #clinical #video #ophthalmology #physicalexam #rheumatology #SlitLamp