Alcohol Use Disorder - Maintenance Treatment
Naltrexone (first line) - First line for most people without contraindications
 - Dosing: 50 mg PO qday OR 380 mg IM qmonth
Topiramate - Consider if also using cocaine, PTSD, seizure hx, overweight
 - Dosing: Goal 150 mg BID (slowly uptitrate)
Baclofen - Consider if also chronic pain, liver disease
 - Dosing: 10-20 mg TID
Gabapentin - Consider if neuropathic pain, anxious, EtOH withdrawal. Helps when added to naltrexone if naltrexone had some efficacy
 - Dosing: 600 mg TID
Acamprosate (FDA approved) - Patients who are already abstaining, prevents relapse, safe in liver disease
 - Dosing: 2x 333 mg tablets TID
Disulfiram (FDA approved) - Patients who are already abstaining, prevents relapse, only effective if observed dosing by family, opioid treatment program
 - Dosing: 250-500 mg qday
Varenicline - Men who are also smokers
 - Dosing: 2mg qday (start with 0.5 qday and uptitrate)

#AUD #Alcohol #Use #Disorder #Maintenance #Treatment #management #pharmacology #table #addiction
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 3 years ago
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: | Twitter:
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