Sweet Syndrome Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (Sweets Syndrome) is a skin condition characterized by fever and inflamed or blistered skin and mucosal lesions. Neutrophilic dermatoses are autoinflammatory conditions that can be associated with systemic disease. Rare Disorder: - Fever + sudden onset of a rash - Rash: multiple tender, red or bluish-red bumps or lesions. - Occurs on the arms, legs, trunk, face or neck. Other areas: - Musculoskeletal system such as inflammation of the joints (arthritis) - The eyes such as inflammation of the conjunctiva or the membrane that lines the eyes (conjunctivitis) - Internal organs Most common extra cutaneous involvement: Eyes - Conjunctivitis - Episcleritis Signs and Symptoms: - Fever - Fatigue - Headaches - A general feeling of ill health (malaise) - Muscle pain (myalgia) - Inflammation and pain of the joints (arthritis and arthralgia) - Fever can precede the development of skin symptoms by days or weeks. - Papules are solid, raised lesions; nodules are slightly larger and may extend deeper into the skin. - Sudden onset of tender or painful bumps (nodules or papules) on the arms, legs, face or neck. - They may also occur on the thighs and trunk. Causes: - Idiopathic Sweet syndrome - this is also known as classical Sweet syndrome. - Underlying cancer (malignancy), lymphoma, breast CA - Hematologic cancer such as certain types of leukemia - Cancers of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tracts. - Drug induced: GCSF stimulating factor - Upper respiratory infection, gastrointestinal infection, or influenza-like illness can precede skin lesions by one to three weeks. DDX: - Pyoderma gangrenosum - Erythema multiforme - Dermatomyositis - CANDLE syndrome - Allergic contact dermatitis - Cellulitis - Erythema nodosum - Acral erythema - Bacterial sepsis - Neutrophilic rheumatoid arthritis - Panniculitis - Leukemia cutis - Leukocytoclastic vasculitis - Schnitzler’s syndrome - Lupus - Leukemia cutis Diagnosis: - Biopsy - Microscopic examination of small samples of skin tissue may reveal the infiltrate of neutrophils in the dermis. - CBC may also show neutrophils in the blood (neutrophilia). Treatment: - Systemic corticosteroids #Sweet #Syndrome #diagnosis #dermatology #oncology