Candidemia Workup and Management - IDSA Guidelines 1) Antibiotics • Empiric: Echinocandins (e.g. micafungin) for most patients • Transition to fluconazole pending: Susceptibilities, Negative Cultures • Length: 2 Weeks minimum (if no complications) 2) Lines and Tubes • Central Venous Catheters (CVL/PICC) - If candidemia felt to be due to central venous line, it should be removed ASAP • Other hardware - Risk-Benefit Discussion 3) Complications • Ocular - Eye exam within one week to assess ocular involvement • Cardiac - No specific recommendations. Generally no routine TTE or TEE unless clinical concern for endocarditis • Additional metastatic workup dictated by symptoms. Consider: Spine, CNS, liver, spleen, or GU tract By Brian Russell MD @brian_russell39 and Dr. Sara Dong @swinndong via @iMedEducation #Candidemia #IDSA #Guidelines #Management #candida #candidiasis #treatment #fungal #fungemia