ECG of a 55-year-old man who presented to the ER with chest pain 
Computer interpretation: “Nonspecific ST and T wave abnormality
Recognize this #ECG pattern:
1. STE in II, III, & aVF
2. Hyperacute Inferior T’s 
3. Reciprocal STD in I & aVL
4. Biphasic T-wave in aVL
5. Q-wave in III, early Q’s in II & aVF
6. STD in V2 (posterior involvement)
It’s a classic pattern of Acute RCA Occlusion, resulting in InferoPosterior transmural ischemia.
#Clinical #Cardiology #EKG #STEMI #InferoPosterior #Misread
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 7 years ago
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: | Twitter:
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