Hypothalamus Anatomy and Hypothalamic Nuclei
 • Anterior hypothalamic nucleus - Body temperature, thermal regulation (heat dissipation), stimulates parasympathetic ns, destruction results in hyperthermia.
 • Paraventricular nucleus - Water balance & stress, produces ADH & oxytocin, destruction causes diabetes insipidus
 • Dorsal & lateral hypothalamic area - Water balance & stress, produces ADH & oxytocin
 • Posterior hypothalamic area - Shivering, thermal regulation, destruction causes inability to thermoregulate, stimulates the sympathetic CNS
 • Dorsomedial nucleus - GI tract, stimulation results in obesity and savage behavior
 • Lateral & medial preoptic nucleus - Blood pressure, contains sexually dimorphic nucleus, regulates release of gonadotropic hormones
 • Supraoptic nucleus - Water Balance
 • Ventromedial nucleus - Satiety center, destruction results in obesity & savage behavior

By @rev.med

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