Ear Pain (Otalgia) - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Primary Otalgia 
 - Pain that originates from the ear
 - Pain that is continuous and progressively worsens is more likely to be associated with infection and primary otalgia
Most Common Causes of Primary Otalgia:
	• Otitis media
	• Otitis externa
Mechanical Causes of Primary Otalgia:
	• Barotrauma
	• Eustachian tube dysfunction
	• Foreign object
	• Cerumen impaction
Infectious Causes of Primary Otalgia:
	• Otitis externa - Caused by bacterial infections (90%), Fungal infections (10%)
	• Otitis media:
		- Streptococcus pneumoniae
		- Moraxella catarrhalis
		- Haemophilus influenzae
	• Bullous myringitis
	• Malignant otitis externa
	• Cellulitis of auricle
	• Mastoiditis
	• Viral myringitis
	• Cranial nerve VII:
		- Ramsay Hunt syndrome
		- Herpes zoster
Neoplastic Causes of Primary Otalgia:
	• Cholesteatoma
	• Basal/squamous cell CA
	• Melanoma
Inflammatory Causes of Primary Otalgia:
	• Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
	• Relapsing polychondritis - Relapsing, bilateral, erythematous or violaceous opacification on the external ear, sparing the ear lobes

Secondary Otalgia:
 - Pain that originates outside the ear
 - Intermittent pain is likely to be associated with secondary otalgia
Most Common Causes of Primary Otalgia:
	• Temporomandibular joint syndrome
	• Dental infections		
Cranial Nerve V:
	• TMJ syndrome
	• Dental infections (caries, abscess, pulpitis)
	• Trigeminal neuralgia
	• Sinusitis
	• Mandibular osteomyelitis
	• Tumor
Cranial nerve IX can refer pain:
	• Tonsillitis
	• Pharyngitis
	• Pharyngeal tumor
	• Glossopharyngeal neuromas
Vagus nerve (irritation):
	• Myocardial ischemia causing otalgia
C2 and C3 cervical nerve roots—cervical spine degeneration:
	• Tumor
	• Infection
	• Inflammatory process
Temporal arteritis should be considered in patients 50 years or older who have normal ear examination findings and any of the following symptoms: headache, malaise, weight loss, fever, or anorexia
Other Causes of Secondary Otalgia:
	• Carotidynia
	• Cervical adenopathy
	• Cervical spine arthritis
	• Cricoarytenoid arthritis
	• Gastroesophageal reflux
	• Head and neck tumors
	• Musculoskeletal: myofascial pain, torticollis, cervical disc degeneration, cervical radiculopathy
	• Oral aphthous ulcers
	• Thyroiditis (rarely causes isolated otalgia), thyroid carcinoma
	• Thoracic aneurysms
	• Other rare causes (subdural hematoma, lung cancer, central line placement, carotid artery aneurysm, Pott puffy tumor)
	• Lymph node: lymphadenopathy, lymph node malignancies
	• Gastrointestinal disease: gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), esophageal carcinoma
	• Sialadenitis (infection of salivary gland duct), sialolithiasis (salivary duct stones), salivary gland tumor

Clues In History To Narrow Down Ddx:
	• Pain location
	• Duration
	• Aggravating factors
	• Alleviating factors
	• Associated symptoms
	• Previous episodes
	• Medical history
	• Smoking status
	• Alcohol abuse
Red Flags:
	• Dysphagia
	• Odynophagia
	• Dysphonia
	• Hemoptysis
	• Loss of vision or black spots
	• Unintended weight loss
Physical Exam:
	• Traction on the auricle
	• Palpation of the tragus to differentiate disease processes affecting the external ear and ear canal
	• Otoscopic examination
	• Oral exam
	• TMJ
	• Head, neck, nasal, cervical spine

#Earpain #Otalgia #Ear #Pain #Otology #Otolaryngology #differential #diagnosis
Ravi Singh K @rav7ks · 2 years ago
Academic Hospitalist and Program Director @SinaiBmoreIMRes, Medicine clerkship director GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences RMC at Sinai, Clinical reasoning,Simulation and POCUS enthusiast - https://twitter.com/rav7ks
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