Aeromonas spp - Diagnosis and Management Summary Aeromonas spp: Gram-negative Rods, oxidase positive and glucose fermenter. Virulence: Toxin production, toxin secretion, bacterial motility Sources: Fresh water, surface water (recreational), drinking water, polluted waters, wastewater Disease Presentations: • Diarrhea • Wound Infection - Following a traumatic aquatic injury • Bacteremia - Older patients / hematologic malignancy / immunosuppression • Miscellaneous: Osteomyelitis, Respiratory infections following "near drowning", cholecystitis Diagnosis: Identified in wound or blood cultures Treatment: • Aeromonas are resistant to ampicillin, penicillin and cefazolin • Ciprofloxacin / Levofloxacin By @TheIDtrivia #Aeromonas #Diagnosis #Management #microbiology #InfectiousDiseases #treatment