Splenic Rupture and Hematoma on POCUS

Clip shows a hematoma where you would otherwise see the spleen. FAST location most likely to be + is Morison’s (even though injury is on the L). Transducer placed over the L post axillary line w/ indicator cephalad.

Dr. Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh

#Splenic #Rupture #Hematoma #POCUS #clinical #ultrasound #spleen #ultrasound
Meghan Kelly Herbst, MD @eusmkh · 3 years ago
UCONN Associate Professor in Emergency Medicine. Ultrasound Fellowship Yale 2011. Family, patients, education, running = my life. https://twitter.com/EUSmkh | https://www.instagram.com/eus_mkh/
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