Effects of Prostaglandins and NSAIDs on the Kidney
Effects of Prostaglandins on the Kidney:
 • The vasodilatory role of these prostaglandins in healthy individuals has little importance in renal hemodynamics. Thus, under conditions of decreased renal perfusion, the production of renal prostaglandins serves as an important compensatory mechanism.
 • Unlike many systemic hormones that act unidirectionally to affect physiologic conditions, prostaglandins operating both under conditions requiring excretion and those calling for retention of Na, K & H2O and therefore their effects are complex and highly localized.
 • Prostaglandins production is increased in CKD ag a mechanism to improve the perfusion of remaining nephrons, even in the absence of volume depletion. Thig is important in maintaining baseline GFR even in the setting of modest GFR
 • KDIGO, KDOQI, WHO guidelines currently recommend the avoidance of prolonged NSAID use in CKD with GFR > 30 and complete avoidance with GFR < 30

Dr. Muner Mohamed @MunerMohamed1

#Prostaglandins #NSAIDs #Kidney #renal #nephrology #pharmacology
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 3 years ago
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