Major Brain Complications of Endocarditis Abscess: • May be macro or micro and occur at site of prior embolism • Frequently present with encephalopathy, headache, and recurrent fevers Mycotic aneurysm: • Often found in the distal arterial branches • Arise from infective inflammation of the vessel wall. Can present with devastating SAH if ruptured Meningitis: • Inflammation of the meninges due to direct bacterial invasion or due to an inflammatory reaction to blood & infectious products in subarachnoid space • Most common with S. aureus Ischemic stroke caused by septic emboli: • *The most common complication* • At risk for hemorrhagic transformation Intracranial hemmorrhage • Septic emboli can also result intracerebral hemorrhages and cortical subarachnoid hemorrhages By Dr. Gabriela Figueiredo Pucci @neudrawlogy and Casey Albin, MD @caseyalbin #endocarditis #complications #brain #neurological #neurology