Courvoisier Sign or Courvoisier-Terrier Sign

States that in a patient with painless jaundice & an enlarged gallbladder (or right upper quadrant mass), the cause is unlikely to be gallstones & therefore presumes the cause to be an obstructing pancreatic or biliary neoplasm until proven otherwise.
A gallbladder containing stones is likely to have been chronically diseased & subject to repeated, although possibly subclinical, episodes of cholecytitis. This results in extensive fibrosis of the gallbladder wall which is then unable to distend when obstructed.

Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty

#Courvoisier #Terrier #Sign #CourvoisierTerrier #diagnosis 
Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty · 2 years ago
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