Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS) - ICU OnePager Scoring Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS): • PAWSS • CIWA-Ar • AWS Withdrawal Symptom Timeline: • Minor Withdrawal Symptoms (6-36 hours): - Tremulousness, anxiety, h/a, diaphoresis, palpitations, N/V, w/ normal mentation • Withdrawal Seizures (6-48 hours) - 1-3 usually generalized seizures - Status epilepticus occurs in 3% - High risk of progression to DTs • Alcoholic Hallucinosis (12-48h): - Visual, auditory, & tactile hallucinations, with intact orientation & normal sensorium with normal vital signs • Delirium Tremens (48-96h) - Fluctuating cognition & attention, altered sensorium (hallucinations) - Autonomic instability (low grade fever, tachycardia, hypertension, diaphoresis) Treatment: • Benzodiazepines • Barbituates • Propofol • Dexmedetomidine • Clonidine • Haloperidol • Baclofen & Ketamine by Nick Mark MD @nickmmark and Mark Ramzy, DO @MRamzyDO #Alcohol #Withdrawal #Syndrome #AWS #diagnosis #treatment #management #etoh #timeline