Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) Modalities RRT Modalities in the ICU: • IHD (Intermittent HD): 3-5 hr session using standard HD rnachine • SLEDD (Sustained low efficiency daily dialysis): ~12 hr session using standard HD machine • CRRT (Continuous renal replacement therapy): 24 hr (continuous) session using a CRRT machine CRRT Modes: • SCUF - Slow continuous UF; UF removes fluid but provides almost no clearance and does not correct pH; no replacement fluid required. Corrects volume overload only. • CVVH (a.k.a.CVVHF) - Continuous venovenous hemofiltration. Provides convective clearance by filtering a large volume of blood; Replacement fluid restores volume lost. Corrects uremia, lytes, pH and can remove volume. • CVVHD - Continuous venovenous hemodialysis. Provides diffusive clearance by running dialysate opposite blood flow. No replacement fluid used. Gently corrects uremia, lytes, pH • CVVHDF - Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration. High clearance achieved using both UF & dialysate flow (both convection & diffusion). Replacement fluid used. Allows fluid removal and correction of electrolyte/pH. Good for toxin removal. Excerpted from original infographic by Nick Mark MD @nickmmark #Renal #Replacement #Therapy #RRT #managment #nephrology #CRRT #Modes #modalities