GRACE-2 Guidelines for Low-Risk, Recurrent Abdominal Pain in the ED

1) Should adult ED patients with low-risk, recurrent, and previously undifferentiated abdominal pain receive a repeat CT abdomen-pelvis [CTAP] after a negative CTAP within the last 12 months?
Recommendation: There is insufficient evidence to accurately identify populations in whom repeat imaging can be safely avoided or routinely recommended in the ED. (No recommendation) [No evidence]

2) Should adult ED patients with low-risk, recurrent, and previously undifferentiated abdominal pain with a negative CTAP receive additional imaging with abdominal ultrasound?
Recommendation: We suggest against routine ultrasound unless there is concern for pelvic or biliary pathology. (Conditional recommendation, against) [Very low certainty of evidence]

3) Should adult ED patients with low-risk, recurrent, and previously undifferentiated abdominal pain receive screening for depression/anxiety?
Recommendation: We suggest screening for depression and/or anxiety may be performed during the ED evaluation. [Conditional recommendation, either) [Very low certainty of evidence]

4) Should adult ED patients with low-risk, recurrent, and previously undifferentiated abdominal pain receive non-opioid and/or non-pharmacologic analgesics?
Recommendation: We suggest an opioid-minimizing strategy for pain control. (Conditional recommendation, for) [Consensus, no evidence]

By @SAEMonline

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Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 2 years ago
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