Summary of Monkeypox: Current Knowledge as of May 2022
 • What is Monkeypox?
 • Origins of Monkeypox
 • Epidemiology
 • Transmission
 • Incubation period (time from infection to symptom onset): 5–21 days
 • Clinical Manifestations
     - Prodrome: Fever (>90%), chills. malaise, headache, myalgias, lymphadenopathy (~70%, different from smallpox)
     - Rash after days (100%, evolves in the same stage): macules → papules → vesicles → pustules → scabs; often starts on face spreads to body; can last up to 4 weeks.
     - Syphilis and chickenpox can appear similar; monkeypox rash often painful but important to keep a high index of suspicion.
     - Case-fatality rate: Historically 1-10% depending upon specific clade (but potentially lower with early supportive care)
 • Diagnosis: PCR of material from skin lesions (ideally sample) at specialized public health laboratories
 • Treatment:
     - No specific proven treatment exists for monkeypox; most individuals recover with supportive care.
     - Potential options include post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with smallpox vaccine depending upon exposure risk
 • Infection control and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

By Prathit Kulkarni, MD @PrathitKulkarni, Dr. Saman Nematollahi @TxID_Edu and Dr. Boghuma Titanji @Boghuma

#Monkeypox #diagnosis #management #virus #infectiousdiseases #microbiology
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 2 years ago
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