Measuring Bladder Pressure as a Surrogate for Intraabdominal Pressure - Procedure Instructions

1. Place the patient in a supine position
2. Ensure correct placement (e.g. POCUS) and function of Foley urinary catheter (e.g. flushes)
3. Connect a transducer, flush syringe, and pressure bag to the Foley side port
4. Zero the transducer at the level with the mid-axillary line
5. Clamp catheter distal to the port with a padded hemostat
6. Turn the stopcock off to the patient allowing syringe to fill with IV fluid from pressure bag
7. Turn the stopcock back on to patient and inject the filled syringe into bladder
8. Release hemostat clamp on foley to allow flushing of air from the urinary catheter
9. Wait up to 1 minute to allow bladder detrusor muscle relaxation to occur
10. Measure IAP in end-expiratory phase either continuously or every 4-6 hours

Excerpted from original infographic by Nick Mark MD @nickmmark and Mark Ramzy, DO @MRamzyDO

#Bladder #Pressure #measurement #Intraabdominal #Pressure #IAP #diagnosis #instructions #procedure
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 2 years ago
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