Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia - Illness Script PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: Unknown trigger, reversible inflammatory/fibroproliferative process. Polypoid fibroblastic aggregates that plug distal airways. EPIDEMIOLOGY: Rare, 5th-6th decade of life, Males=Females SIGNS/SYMPTOMS: • Acute onset (<2mo); usually misdiagnosed as CAP • Symptoms: Cough, dyspnea, fever, malaise, weight loss DIAGNOSTICS: Clinical diagnosis + path w/ organizing pneumonia. No secondary OP identified (autoimmune, meds, neoplastic) TREATMENT: High-dose steroids for severe disease. Usually good prognosis if treated. Dr. Tyler Larsen @TylerLarsenMD #COP #Cryptogenic #Organizing #Pneumonia #diagnosis #management #pulmonary