Ventral Incisional Abdominal Hernia on Physical Exam

This is an incisional hernia. That means, the patient has an incision from surgery, and some time after the operation was done and the fascia was closed, the fascia reopened, leaving a hole with bulging of content, often intestines. As you can see, the scar is widened. This is because the patient had a wound infection. Wound infections are a top reason for incisional hernia formation later on.  Repair of the hernia involves manipulation of the muscle and fascia layers so the hernia defect is closed back up again. 

Dr. Shirin Towfigh @herniadoc

#Ventral #Incisional #Abdominal #Hernia #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 2 years ago
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