HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND)

HIV-Associated Neurocognitive disorders categories:
• Asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment
• Mild neurocognitive impairment
• HIV dementia

HIV frequently compromises the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and infects the CNS in the early stages of infection
• HIV is neuroinvasive - HIV invades mononuclear cells in the CNS
	○ Infected cells -> microglial activation -> diffuse myelin loss -> neuronal death -> astroglial proliferation
• ARVs can have low penetrance through the blood-brain barrier

Classic HIV Encephalopathy Triad:
• Memory/psychomotor impairment
• Depressive symptoms
• Movement disorders
	○ This presentation is similar to PML, but MRI will show symmetric bilateral white matter lesions that are less well-defined than PML lesions, which are usually asymmetric.

MRI Findings:
• Rule out infectious etiologies and PML (JC virus)
Brain parenchymal loss:
• Increased CSF fluid
• Decrease in striatal gray matter volume
• Decrease in cerebral white matter volume
• Patchy areas of high signal intensity on T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences with relative sparing of the subcortical white matter and posterior fossa structures.

Clinical Presentation:
The clinical syndrome of HAD comprises of a combination of:
• Cognitive
• Behavioral
• Motor dysfunction like gait disturbance and tremors
• While there is some individual variation, frequent manifestations include: inattention and reduced concentration, apathy and dulling of personality, psychomotor slowing, marked motor slowing and ataxia.
• Often presents after years of untreated HIV and with low CD4 counts.

• HAART treatment
• Cognitive impairment is often not fully reversible
• HAND is also associated with increased mortality among HIV patients

#HAND #HIV #Associated #neurocognitive #disorder #dementia #AIDS #Neurology
Ravi Singh K @rav7ks · 2 years ago
Academic Hospitalist and Program Director @SinaiBmoreIMRes, Medicine clerkship director GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences RMC at Sinai, Clinical reasoning,Simulation and POCUS enthusiast -
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